Promoting the Art of Stipple with New Sarracenia Gallery

Sarracenia Gallery Grand Opening Doors Open 5 PM PST

Promoting the Art of Stipple

Online, November 7, 2020 through January 31, 2021

Huntington Beach, CA based stipple artist Jarrett T. Camp used the time spent in his home studio during the Pandemic to create new opportunities for artists. Frustrated by the lack of exposure that the methods of stipple and pointillism (creating fine art work solely through use of dots) were receiving, he took the bull by the horns and created a gallery dedicated to this rare, unique and historical art form, the grand opening of which takes place November7, 2020, and the beauty of the opening is that anyone anywhere in the world can attend safely because it all happens online.

By eliminating the expenses of a brick and mortar location, Camp is able to defray commission costs that fall on the backs of artists in the traditional gallery setting as well as eliminate other logistical issues like shipping and receiving of artwork which is costly, time consuming, and poses hazards when it comes to handling.

Camp’s grand opening features work from around the globe, including several regions of the United States and sees this venture as a way of making connections and offering exposure to artists whose work, which can take months to complete because of the intricate process, is largely under represented. “It’s also an opportunity to educate the public and expose them to this kind of art from international artists.”, Camp says, continuing, “I want to create a family for stipple and pointillist artists here at Saracennia Gallery.”

Viewers will be able to sign onto the website and through virtual reality, move through the gallery with their mouse or if on a phone, their fingers to see the work and learn more about the artists. 

About the Sarracenia Gallery

The Sarracenia Gallery is an online venue dedicated to promoting the art of stipple and pointillist artists. Its owner and founder, Jarrett T. Camp is an award winning L.A. based dyslexic stipple artist whose work has been featured at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C.

Camp says: “To be a stipple artist takes time and patience. I’ve been working at this a long time and I finally decided I’ve been patient long enough.  Time is of the essence. Time is the essence when it comes to completing a Stipple or Pointilist masterpiece…it takes months of concentrated effort sometimes depending on the size of the piece. 

Look, it’s up to every artist to forge their own path but it’s difficult for Stipplers and Pointillists because their forms of art don’t have the exposure or representation as other genres do. I haven’t found one gallery who represents either. Contemporary artists who work in this genre aren’t shown in museums. Fine art Stipple and Pointillism don’t show up in pop culture anywhere. Comic books are a different story and they own their rightful place in the world, but ironically what’s considered “low art” is higher on the scale than fine art in this case.

So many factors contribute to how a piece of art is valued by the establishment, but one thing I aim to acknowledge is the time that these artists spend on each work, how long it takes just to complete one square inch! The detail! And I want to give them the opportunity to be able to get their work seen so that they too can enjoy the same successes that other artists do.

By creating this gallery, I want to show the world how versatile these media are. Stipplers and Pointilists create representational, abstract or surreal art just like oil painters or watercolorists or sculptors. Marshall McCluhan famously said: The medium is the message, meaning the medium is an extension of ourselves. I feel the time has come to create a renaissance in these venerable and age old techniques so that stipplers and pointillists can share their form of self- expression, in other words, themselves, with the world.”

Stipple artists employ the painstaking process of creating 3 dimensional images using only dots of a single color to create gradation in tone. This method takes hundreds of hours to bring a work to its completion and its intricacy adds both to its beauty and to its value. 

Invented in the 1500’s by Italian engraver Giulio Campagnola who translated Venetian Renaissance paintings into engravings, stipple changed the more linear nature of engraving to give it the ability to create finer gradations in color. Much later in history, Newspaper presses adopted this method as a way to transfer photographs to newspaper images.

Pointilists use the same technique, but work in color. Pointilists in art history include George Seurat and Paul Signac who led the movement in the French neo-impressionist era.

A master of both traditional and digital methods, Camp’s vision is to give artists working in this somewhat obscure genre a platform to be discovered and seen by art lovers and collectors all over the world, as well as giving this complex and venerated artform a more prominent place in the contemporary art world.

Online, November 7, 2020 through January 31, 2021

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